Nick Parker clearly today called upon both potential investors and loan note holders to leave entrenched positions and complete one of the deals that has been in the offing. We echo Nick's sentiment that the time for brinkmanship and self-interest is over and that any deal that is right for the club must be pursued and concluded.
Wednesdayite do not have a preferred bid from those that are apparently at the table. However, it is vital that any deal offers all of the following:
- A satisfaction of the club's debt burden with the Co-Op
- A commitment and ability to provide enough capital investment to deliver material improvement on the pitch
- A prospective management team that will bring new personnel and strategy into the SWFC boardroom and see an end to the stagnation of the last decade
We urge any investor to engage with fans groups and seek the tremendous groundswell of both material assistance and goodwill that the SWFC fan base can offer. While we recognise that an investor may wish to control the club without input from the fan base, the commercial and community benefits that engaging and communicating openly with the fans will bring are vast. We hope that any incoming investor can bring the finances, expertise and leadership required to take this club forward - and in return they will receive the support and commitment of the SWFC fans to make the journey standing shoulder to shoulder.
Wednesdayite stresses most strongly of all that a positive outcome will not be achieved with the continued involvement of those who have overseen the decline of the last decade and the collapse of the last year. We know we echo the sentiment of many, many Wednesday fans in doing so. The time of the ideas, faces and failures of the past has come to an end. Now is the moment for a new investor to seize the opportunity to drive this great club forward into a bright dawn.
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